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Model Challenge Workshop

The model challenge committee held a weekend workshop on June 20/21 with a selected group of cryoEM specialists and model software developers to share results and develop plans for the model challenge. The outcome of this meeting is the recommendation by this group to launch a community wide challenge to model 5-7 selected cryoEM density maps that have been reported to be determined at 3.0-4.5 Å gold-standard resolution.

This resolution range was selected for two reasons:  (1) envisioned growth in the number of maps in the next few years at this resolution range; and (2) the various technical challenges that exist for interpreting maps as atomic models in this resolution range. The chosen map targets will cover different symmetry, size, and multiple resolution structures by previous cryoEM and X-ray studies. We anticipate engaging the committee, as well as the community, to assess the submitted models and develop tools for assessment.

image from the meeting 2nd workshop photo



EMDataResource Validation Challenges are supported by NIH National Institute of General Medical Sciences

Please send your challenge questions, comments and feedback to

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