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(statistics are preliminary, may change on review of the submissions)
Optimized a current cryoEM model | 47 |
Fitted/Optimized another known model | 16 |
Created an ab initio model | 44 |
1. Tobacco Mosaic Virus | 11 |
2. T20S Proteasome | 18 |
3. GroEL | 8 |
4. TRPVI Channel | 13 |
5. Brome Mosaic Virus | 12 |
6. β-Galactosidase | 16 |
7. γ-Secretase | 22 |
8. Ribosome | 6 |
Map A | 80 |
Map B | 27 |
primary map of the EMDB entry (emd_####.map) | 83 |
original, unmodified map from reconstruction software (EMD-####-full.map) | 15 |
half-map 1 for the FSC calculation (EMD-####-half-1.map) | 9 |
yes | 60 |
no | 47 |
yes | no | |
low pass filter | 18 | 41 |
high pass filter | 1 | 58 |
segmentation | 41 | 19 |
applied a mask | 27 | 33 |
fully automated | 66 |
partially automated, some manual steps | 37 |
manual | 4 |
real | 96 |
reciprocal | 11 |
Chimera | 35 |
COOT | 25 |
direX | 8 |
flex-EM | 3 |
MDFF | 6 |
phenix | 63 |
pymol | 1 |
rosetta | 19 |
situs | 1 |
TEMPy | 3 |
VMD | 6 |
other breakdown of "other" based on detailed description: amber (1), gmfit (1), gromacs (1), HermiteFit (10), iMDFF (4), MainMast (4), Modeller (12), Pathwalker (13), PULCHRA (4), Remo (4), scwrl (1) |
36 |
map vs. model correlation coefficient | 102 |
map vs. model FSC curve | 12 |
energy function | 35 |
cross-validation procedure | 23 |
other | 13 |
yes | 9 |
no | 98 |
yes | no | |
internal model consistency | 90 | 17 |
fit of model to the target map | 105 | 2 |
fit of model to map other than target (cross-validation) | 18 | 85 |
EMDataResource Validation Challenges are supported by NIH National Institute of General Medical Sciences
Please send your challenge questions, comments and feedback to challenges@emdataresource.org
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