
IMPORTANT NOTICE: This website will be deprecated in late September 2024.  At that time, the URL challenges.emdataresource.org will redirect to emdataresource.org/challenges.

Three-dimensional Electron Microscopy (3DEM) is becoming a key experimental method in Structural Biology. Recent advances in image acquisition and processing are yielding more structures determined at near-atomic resolution, as well as a wide range of macromolecular complexes and subcellular architectures determined at lower resolution.


map resolution statistics

A major goal of the EMDataResource team is to work with the 3DEM community to establish data validation methods that can be used in the structure determination process, define key indicators of a well-determined structure that should accompany every structure deposition, and implement appropriate validation procedures into a 3DEM validation pipeline. Following recommendations of the EM Validation Task Force (Henderson et al 2012), we are hosting new benchmark challenges here, with aim to stimulate further community discussions about validation procedures for 3DEM maps and map-derived models. Prior community-organized 3DEM challenge activities have included a Particle Picking Challenge (Zhu et al 2004),  CryoEM Modeling Challenge (Ludtke et al 2012),  CTF Challenge (Marabini et al 2015), Map and Model Cryo-EM Challenges (Lawson & Chiu 2018),  the 2019 Model Metrics Challenge (Lawson et al 2021).


Map Challenge Assessment Phase is Now Open

The Assessment Phase of the EMDataBank Map Challenge is now officially open, and all are welcome to participate.

The Challenge Phase (July 2015-Apr 2016) was a tremendous success, with 66 submitted maps spread across the 7 image data benchmark targets. We recognize the significant time commitment required and are grateful to the 27 challengers who contributed their efforts and made their results available for analysis.

Following review, the challenge data and files are now publicly available to assessors.  The authors of the entries and the software used have been suppressed to promote a blind assessment. We welcome input from the assessors as to how to most usefully evaluate these results.  For example, assessment/comparison methods could include statistical analyses, resolution estimation, or fitting of atomic models. Some suggestions are provided on the website but these are not meant to be prescriptive. 

Assessment Phases are Coming Soon

Following two amazing challenge submission finishes in April (66 maps!) and in June (106 models!), we have been working with our respective committees to prepare and organize the data for blinded assessments and to perform preliminary analyses. This process has taken more time than originally anticipated, so we have been making adjustments to assessment phase timelines. For the map challenge, we plan to announce the beginning of the assessment phase in early November.  Watch this space for more details! 

Model Challenge Submission Deadline is Friday June 17

EMDataBank Challenge Modellers, Please complete your model submissions this week--the deadline is this coming Friday at 21:00 UTC. Any questions/issues please let us know (challenges@emdatabank.org). Thanks for participating!


EMDataResource Validation Challenges are supported by NIH National Institute of General Medical Sciences

Please send your challenge questions, comments and feedback to challenges@emdataresource.org

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