
IMPORTANT NOTICE: This website will be deprecated in late September 2024.  At that time, the URL challenges.emdataresource.org will redirect to emdataresource.org/challenges.

Three-dimensional Electron Microscopy (3DEM) is becoming a key experimental method in Structural Biology. Recent advances in image acquisition and processing are yielding more structures determined at near-atomic resolution, as well as a wide range of macromolecular complexes and subcellular architectures determined at lower resolution.


map resolution statistics

A major goal of the EMDataResource team is to work with the 3DEM community to establish data validation methods that can be used in the structure determination process, define key indicators of a well-determined structure that should accompany every structure deposition, and implement appropriate validation procedures into a 3DEM validation pipeline. Following recommendations of the EM Validation Task Force (Henderson et al 2012), we are hosting new benchmark challenges here, with aim to stimulate further community discussions about validation procedures for 3DEM maps and map-derived models. Prior community-organized 3DEM challenge activities have included a Particle Picking Challenge (Zhu et al 2004),  CryoEM Modeling Challenge (Ludtke et al 2012),  CTF Challenge (Marabini et al 2015), Map and Model Cryo-EM Challenges (Lawson & Chiu 2018),  the 2019 Model Metrics Challenge (Lawson et al 2021).


JSB Special Issue on Outcomes of the Map and Model Challenges

We are pleased to announce that the Journal of Structural Biology has agreed to produce a special issue on the 2016 Map and Model Challenges.

For those planning to submit a manuscript, here are the particulars:

Wrap-Up Workshop: Guiding Questions

Below you can find the instructions and set of guiding questions we are providing to presenters at our wrap-up meeting.  Did we miss something? Feedback is welcome!



EMDataResource Validation Challenges are supported by NIH National Institute of General Medical Sciences

Please send your challenge questions, comments and feedback to challenges@emdataresource.org

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