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Map Challenge Assessment Update

Map Challenge Assessors:

  • If you have not yet completed your analysis, the deadline for submitting assessment reports is now end of April (April 30). After that time we will be releasing the masked software/submitter info.
  • We are working on the planning for a two day face-to-face discussion of assessment results, and are considering several possible dates/locations either over the summer or (more likely) in September.
  • Following the workshop each assessor/assessment group will have the opportunity to publish their findings in a journal special issue.

Model Challenge Comparison Site

The model challenge assessment period is still in progress.  Interested to see how we the results are being assessed?  Please visit the model-compare pages at  There you can view and compare the submitted models via more than a dozen different whole-model and residue level metrics, as summarized here.

Map Challenge Webinar

As a reminder the Blind Assessment phase of the EMDataBank Map now open. A 1 hour webinar held on November 17 @15:00 UTC (9:00 US-CT, 10:00 US-ET, 15:00 UK, 16:00 Eur, 23:00 China) covered these topics:

  • map challenge submissions overview
  • how the submitted data and files were prepared for blind assessment
  • how to download/access the data
  • what preliminary analyses are already available
  • how to participate in the assessment phase
  • Q/A period

You can view/listen to the recorded webinar here:



Map Challenge Assessment Phase is Now Open

The Assessment Phase of the EMDataBank Map Challenge is now officially open, and all are welcome to participate.

The Challenge Phase (July 2015-Apr 2016) was a tremendous success, with 66 submitted maps spread across the 7 image data benchmark targets. We recognize the significant time commitment required and are grateful to the 27 challengers who contributed their efforts and made their results available for analysis.

Following review, the challenge data and files are now publicly available to assessors.  The authors of the entries and the software used have been suppressed to promote a blind assessment. We welcome input from the assessors as to how to most usefully evaluate these results.  For example, assessment/comparison methods could include statistical analyses, resolution estimation, or fitting of atomic models. Some suggestions are provided on the website but these are not meant to be prescriptive. 


EMDataResource Validation Challenges are supported by NIH National Institute of General Medical Sciences

Please send your challenge questions, comments and feedback to

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