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2021 Ligand Challenge Submission Form

  1. Carefully check the coordinate file: make sure it follows all Challenge instructions. Remove any remarks that identify users and/or software.
  2. Next go to PDBextract. Select "EM" method and upload your coordinates. Don't fill any info on second page, just submit.
  3. Copy THE FULL LINK for the PDBextract-generated output cif file. Paste this link in the form below
  4. Fill out the remainder of the submission form as completely as possible.

Use "next page" "previous page" buttons to navigate (browser navigation may reset your submission). You will have an opportunity to review all of your answers prior to submission. Questions/issues/comments? Contact

You must be logged in to fill out this form.     APRIL 5 -- FORM REOPENED FOR EDITING OF EXISTING ENTRIES ONLY



EMDataResource Validation Challenges are supported by NIH National Institute of General Medical Sciences

Please send your challenge questions, comments and feedback to

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